Monday, December 4, 2017

Food Escalation Scale at Networking Events

Based on a recent networking event I was pulled into by a team member of a group I was working with in a university project. I've only really been to a few of these networking events that have on-site catering, and it seemed that the aforementioned networking event was the first time I realised a potential "pattern" of food items, where the more fancier foods would be released at later times at the event while also having you be less likely to take on said fancier foods because you filled up on the less fancy foods earlier on.
Surely, it is yet another great tragedy of life! Though naturally you should ask yourself: Why are you worrying about the food at a networking event when you should have been networking with other people in the first place? And that's one reason why I still can't seem to land a job sometimes...

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