Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Post-Interview Question

Ah, the last post of 2017. A lot has happened in the last 12 months, ranging from the forced closure of the Dante Denmore Facebook page to my inevitable termination from a recent job earlier this year, so it's been a challenging time for me personally. Although I probably said something similar like this last year, I'm sure the difficulty will ramp up in the months to come in 2018.

And here's some blog update information!

Due to changing circumstances, blog posts will most likely shift to Friday nights or Saturdays, and maybe on Sunday if things get peculiarly crazy.

Only about 8 weeks left until the next series begins! If you enjoyed or disliked "Below Minimum Wage" in any way, shape or form, let me know how you thought of the blog over the last (but not quite) two years.

There have been intentions to bring back a Facebook page for the Dante Denmore blog, but I'm still trying to get over the reasons why the old one had to get pulled down. Apparent impersonation, "suspicious" activity, lack of account recovery options: I will surely have to think about these.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Career Opportunities - Word Search Metaphor

With the results for the last semester at the university confirmed, and graduation being just around the corner (i.e. whenever the university decides that I'm "qualified" to attend the graduation ceremony), I've certainly needed to think about where my career path rail should go, because this train isn't big enough for the both of us, bucko.
In regards to this week's comic, I've deliberately made errors for almost every word, such that only three possible career opportunities can be found. There are some extra words you may find, only to notice that it's not a word you need to find!

And between me and you, and practically everyone else who's still reading this blog on a semi-consistent basis, it feel as though the blog is on a bit of a slump. Maybe it's because people are getting tired of the whole "employment disappointment" concept, but if there's anything like an idea you want to see on this blog, yell it at me through appropriate social media channels and I'll see what I can do.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

LinkedIn Messaging

You know all those times when some unknown associate of yours contacts you on LinkedIn and makes it sound like they have a rich, memorable history with you? Yes, I got one of those messages recently, which consequently inspired the comic for this week. Usually you can get away with saying general things like "How has everything been?" or "What have you been up to lately?".
And even if they do try to keep the conversation alive, just remember that 90% of listening is just pretending to listen. Good grief, did I just promote introversion as a viable way of social interaction? Put it this way: If you're talking to someone but no value is being generated, you're essentially taking away from the economy rather than contributing to it.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Food Escalation Scale at Networking Events

Based on a recent networking event I was pulled into by a team member of a group I was working with in a university project. I've only really been to a few of these networking events that have on-site catering, and it seemed that the aforementioned networking event was the first time I realised a potential "pattern" of food items, where the more fancier foods would be released at later times at the event while also having you be less likely to take on said fancier foods because you filled up on the less fancy foods earlier on.
Surely, it is yet another great tragedy of life! Though naturally you should ask yourself: Why are you worrying about the food at a networking event when you should have been networking with other people in the first place? And that's one reason why I still can't seem to land a job sometimes...