Saturday, March 3, 2018

Against the Odds

After countless missed job opportunities, job interview mistakes and general networking hiccups, we finally close the book on the "Below Minimum Wage" series on the blog! After 2 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait. Unless you liked reading about Dante's weekly employment perils, then in that case, I am somewhat relieved I'm not the only one out there.

Starting next week, the blog will start a new series called "Paid Days", and goes through a journey of reckoning and spending (mostly spending) as we venture into the world of money. Relevant parts of the blog will likely be updated next week, so stay tuned for that.
Also, some upload updates: The upload schedule may change starting from July 2018. I won't go into massive details, but essentially, I've had a rather urgent issue come up in life and so the upload may shift to a weekday or something. I'll leak more specific details when the time comes, so keep that in mind.

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