Thursday, March 29, 2018

False Savings

Every darn time, this happens one way or another. The worst times are when you've painstakingly waited for these discounts, only to find out the prices would get slashed anyway. Consequently, you may decide to wait it out but then the discount ends and never returns, leaving you with the empty misery of a missed opportunity.
And with Easter just about to pass you buy, so-called "savings" are as deceptive as ever. And this is why I prefer to buy my Easter peripherals in the middle of winter from discount local stores at dirt-cheap prices. As long as you have low standards, it's practically a win-win for everyone!

Speaking of Easter, I'll be away over the weekend for some social event, so I'm posting today instead of Saturday. Hopefully we can spare a moment to remember the true meaning of Easter... a time of cheap deals on all your favorite things?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sausage Sandwich

The classic sausage sizzle: Essentially, it's just a barbecue with sausages and onions being cooked, served with some bread for the low price of $2 - $3. And if you haven't already deduced, the sauce is free...most of the time. But when it is free, I like to think it's the green light to go all out, drenching what used to be a sausage in white bread into a warm and soggy mess of red, brown and yellow (for the standard tomato, barbecue and mustard sauces respectively). Yep, it's just old times...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Steam Community Market

The Steam Community Market: A magical place where you can spend real money on pretty pixels, although that literally describes every website that involves paid subscriptions. Nonetheless, it's a place where users who are part of the Steam community can buy and sell in-game items, which with most financial models, brings about people trying to make money through the system.
Personally, if you're looking to make serious money from this, take Barry's advice and get a real job or something. Unless you conveniently have glittery virtual items littered around your immediate surroundings, to which I would still advise caution, as Valve takes some money (about 30% from what I recall) from the sale. And that's not even considering local taxes that may be applied in the process...

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pepper Taker

The first comic of the new series "Paid Days" and already clumps of unfavourable memories come rushing back as I recall all kinds of times where I try to cut corners in the monetary sense or outright make terrible financial decisions. This comic depiction being one of them.
I mean, who wants someone waltzing into your home, and taking all the salt and pepper they can get their hands on? Better question for the culprit in question: Is salt and pepper really that unaffordable? I mean, the stuff isn't even that expensive nor hard to find, so the action of hoarding salt and pepper sort of negates the value it generates anyway.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Against the Odds

After countless missed job opportunities, job interview mistakes and general networking hiccups, we finally close the book on the "Below Minimum Wage" series on the blog! After 2 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait. Unless you liked reading about Dante's weekly employment perils, then in that case, I am somewhat relieved I'm not the only one out there.

Starting next week, the blog will start a new series called "Paid Days", and goes through a journey of reckoning and spending (mostly spending) as we venture into the world of money. Relevant parts of the blog will likely be updated next week, so stay tuned for that.
Also, some upload updates: The upload schedule may change starting from July 2018. I won't go into massive details, but essentially, I've had a rather urgent issue come up in life and so the upload may shift to a weekday or something. I'll leak more specific details when the time comes, so keep that in mind.