Saturday, January 27, 2018

Know Your Enemy

Do you remember that old Pepsi advertisement on television in the mid-2000's, where the guy goes into the job interview and makes it sound like he's being wrestled by the manager, throws himself out of the room and puts every other candidate off except for one guy, in which the entire advertisement then reveals that it was all an "elaborate" ruse just to get said guy the job? Yeah, I don't remember it either.
But the point (if there ever was one from the above paragraph) is that you probably won't get the job if you're a terrible person, or you're applying for the wrong kind of job. And I guess to an extent, don't end up being an actor for Pepsi advertisements.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


It's the 100th post! ...And our unemployed hero still can't seem to find a job.
Based partly on a job interview experience back in second-year at university, where I had to collate random bits of projects to show to the interview panel, who practically just flipped through everything briefly and called it a day. Sure, they're busy people, and sure my projects weren't very pristine back then. So it all evens out, and nothing of value was lost.

Oh, and before I forget, to commemorate 100 posts on this blog, I've set up a bonus page that gives some insight into the creation process that I normally go through when making these comics. Check it, and hopefully you'll appreciate the time and effort I go through every week (i.e. not as much as you'd expect?) just to deliver for you, Internet.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Anatomy of a Job Description

When you apply for enough jobs and read enough job descriptions, the words and bullet points eventually merge into a big mess of characters than vaguely resembles an unrelated job from the previous week. For me, this is the general (but still largely exaggerated) structure I always see whenever I'm painstakingly reading the 100th job description over the last four days.

Speaking of 100's, next week is Issue #100! Yay...?
I should probably do something special about that, like a double post week or do a behind the scenes thing or something. Honestly, I don't think anyone will care greatly about this milestone, but it's taken me about two years to get to this point so all that time spent better be worth something.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Just another jobless year

Partially inspired from a (personally unwelcome) phone message by my so-called "work buddy" from a previous employment context. Like, do I really want to start the year having to remember all the pain and disappointment brought in from last year? It's hard enough trying to get started like normal people do... Actually, how do normal people start their year? Probably being drunk, tired, forgetful and nauseous. But even that too is meaningless...

Also, update announcement!
Posts from next week onward will most likely occur on Friday nights or Saturdays. So stay tuned for those when they happen!