Monday, November 13, 2017

A Recursive Experience

Can you imagine this happening in a real job interview?
Employer: Tell me about an instance where you had to solve a spontaneous problem.
You: Well, there was this one situation where I was in another job interview where I was asked "Describe a time when a problem suddenly occurred and how you addressed it", in which I responded by describing an experience I had in another job interview when I was asked by the employer "Explain how you went about solving an unplanned problem in your studies, or in general" to which I described a time in which I was --
Employer: Can you please get to the point?
You: I'm going to get to the point once I describe a case where I answered a job interview question without having to refer to another job interview.

For obvious reasons, I wouldn't recommend doing this practically. But I suppose if you're in that bad of a pickle, you might be inclined to use another job interview as a valid experience of a certain problem. And that would be like brushing your teeth with a glue stick: It can work, but there are many better options out there.

On another note, I will be unlikely to post comics next Monday. I think this is the first time I'm doing a notice ahead of time, but this just a one-off (probably) to account for a certain oddity I need to address on that day. So return on Tuesday or Wednesday for more employment disappointment. Also I'm unsure if people get annoyed when I shift comic post schedules without prior notice. Perhaps we'll see if that's the case next week...

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