Monday, November 27, 2017

Partial Recall

The idea for this comic originated from a similar interaction with a company I keep bumping into at the Careers Fair. The first frame (the wide one at the top) also originated from the actual handout I got on the day of the Careers Fair, providing some handy hints for how to engage with various companies. I think I might still have it after all these years.
Heck, even the second last frame mirrors my dialogue with relative accuracy. It turns out that the company is more of a technical company with specialisations in finance and consultancy.

With the university semester coming to a rather elongated close, you'll find that posts around Sunday or Monday are more probable, with the time I have to spare. While I can't say this will be entirely possible next year, I'll give s'more details when the time comes.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Last Call

As "promised" from last week, we have delivered on time! Well, at least in terms of AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
This was inspired from a call yesterday by some phone number I didn't recognise at that time. Being at the university at the time of this call, the reception really was not working in my favour, and they just hung up after 5 minutes of me pacing around trying to find a good place where I could hear this person on the phone.
So I panicked for about 10 minutes, unsure if this was a HR person who was trying to contact me about a possible job prospect, or just some poor fellow who called the wrong number. Either way, it was a missed opportunity for the both of us.

Monday, November 13, 2017

A Recursive Experience

Can you imagine this happening in a real job interview?
Employer: Tell me about an instance where you had to solve a spontaneous problem.
You: Well, there was this one situation where I was in another job interview where I was asked "Describe a time when a problem suddenly occurred and how you addressed it", in which I responded by describing an experience I had in another job interview when I was asked by the employer "Explain how you went about solving an unplanned problem in your studies, or in general" to which I described a time in which I was --
Employer: Can you please get to the point?
You: I'm going to get to the point once I describe a case where I answered a job interview question without having to refer to another job interview.

For obvious reasons, I wouldn't recommend doing this practically. But I suppose if you're in that bad of a pickle, you might be inclined to use another job interview as a valid experience of a certain problem. And that would be like brushing your teeth with a glue stick: It can work, but there are many better options out there.

On another note, I will be unlikely to post comics next Monday. I think this is the first time I'm doing a notice ahead of time, but this just a one-off (probably) to account for a certain oddity I need to address on that day. So return on Tuesday or Wednesday for more employment disappointment. Also I'm unsure if people get annoyed when I shift comic post schedules without prior notice. Perhaps we'll see if that's the case next week...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Life as a Jobseeker - Maze Metaphor

This week sure has been busy. But not as busy as trying to solve this maze! Can you help Dante reach the job of his dreams? You can try all you want, but let's face it: It's not happening.
But wait I think I see -- Nope, still nothing.
Okay, but have you tried -- Just another dead end.

And for those of you who can relate, I can sympathize with that: You've prepared yourself for this one position in the company and then it just doesn't happen. Well, at least you're not stuck eternally in a maze that literally has no exit.

On another note, this week has been fairly busy on my end. Having to patch up various holes in a product, working with a team with varying schedules and some big deliverables in the next few days! At least I managed to get something on the blog this week.
And don't try to solve the maze. It really has no solution...or does it?