Monday, August 7, 2017

Hating your Job

I've always had this despise of people with jobs and how they complain about the fact that they have to work, and its lack of fulfillment. After all, isn't this what you signed up for? Isn't this "living the dream"?
Looking back, I suppose I could say the same thing about my university degree and how, at times, I would not have preferred to do the work nor feel any fulfillment. Yet, here we are, in the midst of yet another semester.
Sometimes it can be hard to appreciate the little things. Most times, I accept the fact that I'm a shallow fool. Almost every time, I never quite change enough than I know I should.

On a more serious update, the Facebook account for this blog is currently busted (the page can still be viewed, but I can't post things like I used to), so I'll have to resort to one or more of the following solutions as alternative work-around's:

  • Use another Facebook account to post all the end-of-monthly updates on the page.
  • Retire aforementioned updates, deeming July 2017 as the last month with an update.
  • Start doing monthly updates on the blog, or on Twitter.
  • Wait for Facebook to do something about this problem (arbitrary effectiveness).

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