Monday, December 5, 2016

Mathematically Proving Joblessness

You can tell this is a false proof because of the following reasons:
a) Getting a Job only equals 0 because it is multiplied by 0. It's like saying 1 x 0 = 0, therefore 1 = 0.
b) Suppose Getting a Job = 0 is a true fact. Therefore, Easy = 0 since Getting a Job = Easy.
However, following the proof given, 1 = Easy divided by Getting a Job, a problem is encountered. It's a mathematical fact that 0/0 is undefined (see here), which is certainly not 1. Therefore, the conclusion is false.
c) Would you really trust this blog to give you a novel game-changing mathematical formula that could make you rich and maybe win you an award? I thought so (i.e. the answer is no).

Still, I suppose you can take this as an implicit optimism that you can (probably) always get a job somehow, someday. It may not necessarily be a good job, or something that can pay the bills, but that's what you get for a vague statement like this.

On another note, the blog has hit 1000 views! Yeah!
As I sort of promised back in the early days, I'll try and get around to reopening the Facebook page related to Dante Denmore. Also, I might go about other administrative elements of the blog, like changing the background image and all. So you might be the first to see these new changes in the works. I should also get around to adding features to allow for more reader input, both here on the blog and on social media...

EDIT: Check out the Facebook page! It's a little dry, but it's (hopefully) a work in progress.

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