Monday, August 29, 2016

Daily Motivation

I have a tendency to be particularly blunt, mostly at the worst of times. More so, I also have a habit of misinterpreting sentences in a weird way, especially when it comes to job interviews. I remember one time I was in an interview, and I was asked "So tell me about your background?" to which I replied "Are you referring to my ethnicity, or my technical background?" Not surprisingly, I didn't get that job.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Phone Call Frequency Graph

Sigh... I think you'd be surprised if you ever found out how many times I start my week with a rejection email from a job I applied for. And, quite frankly, it's getting real annoying. You know that job interview I was hinting at a while back (did I actually hint at it? Oh well, there was a job interview recently). They take me all the way to the second last interview and... I mess it all up.
So that experience will be comic-alised soon enough, but for now, here's a grim reminder to keep your phone with you, in the extremely slim chance that a company wants to interview you. I actually lost a job interview because they called me and I was in the toilet and, you know, farting and pooping isn't exactly professionally appealing to many employers.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Work as a Driving Instructor!

It's certainly no surprise that some people are just after your money. As in my case, and the majority of December last year, these people took the form of driving instructors.
Now, I know you're thinking "Good grief, Dante! Don't hate on these productive citizens of society!"<sarcasm> Look, I've seen the way things are done, and I can certainly see the financial benefits of charging $55 to make sadistic (and perhaps slightly racist?) comments and slap the learner's hand every time they make a mistake like forgetting to check 12 different places before turning on the indicator.</sarcasm>
I guess some driving instructors are in it for the money, some for the fame, others to get a kick out of extorting students of their money, hour by hour, day by day.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Final Say

There's nothing better to start than a good old-fashioned rejection letter from a job I recently applied to. Yes, that is the basis of this week's comic. Because it seems to me that even when the stars align in the correct way, those employers just sneeze away all your opportunities for prospective work experience.
So employers are some kind of universal force that defies the very laws and principles of reality itself? Well, it would explain how some of them are just full of themselves and couldn't care less about an unemployed scumbag like myself. Good gravy, did I just call myself a scumbag on my own blog? Surely, these are dark days we are standing in.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Vague Expectations

When you're a social veteran like me (well, "veteran" is a rather pompous term in this case, but we'll run with it), you start to develop a nose for people who aren't interested in talking to you. Notably, I find these are usually employers and people who are likely to provide lucrative employment opportunities somewhere down the line.

Anyway, a real-life update: University has just started, and job interviews nearing up! So I've been quite busy lately. Kinda makes me think about how I'll be juggling work AND study, if that ever is the case. Still, at least I'd have a job at that point.