Monday, June 20, 2016

Company Research

I understand that business environments are constantly changing, especially in my intended field of employment (Information Technology), but you could at least make the effort to make your public profile, you know... better.
Slap some basic but useful information about what you do, put down some contact details, maybe even have some simple little JavaScript interface doodads (e.g. drop-down lists, highlighted buttons, that sort of thing). And Ker-smash! You got yourself something people can read about.

Oh, and if you were wondering, Company X actually exists on LinkedIn. Whether or not it's an actual organisation is beyond me. As for the website, it's just a quick HTML page I whipped up in a day, because I don't actually want to hate on any actual companies (apologies in advance?). Maybe one day they might actually become valuable, so it's good to keep your neutral-good connections intact.

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