Monday, June 27, 2016

Less Than Impressed

Is there no end to these ordeals? Short answer: no. Wait, so does that mean there is an end to all this misery, or that response is simply just confirming that there is indeed no end to these ordeals. I always get confused at this double logic paradox, if I can even call it that.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Company Research

I understand that business environments are constantly changing, especially in my intended field of employment (Information Technology), but you could at least make the effort to make your public profile, you know... better.
Slap some basic but useful information about what you do, put down some contact details, maybe even have some simple little JavaScript interface doodads (e.g. drop-down lists, highlighted buttons, that sort of thing). And Ker-smash! You got yourself something people can read about.

Oh, and if you were wondering, Company X actually exists on LinkedIn. Whether or not it's an actual organisation is beyond me. As for the website, it's just a quick HTML page I whipped up in a day, because I don't actually want to hate on any actual companies (apologies in advance?). Maybe one day they might actually become valuable, so it's good to keep your neutral-good connections intact.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Interview Time

It's always a regretful feeling watching someone make a good interview impression, and then you walk in and you can tel immediately that this candidate more or less locked in the job. Perhaps I should ask next time "I'm not going to get this job, am I?". Then again, that just goes to show how much of a defeatist I am, which will probably end the interview even faster than making a crude racial joke about your employer.

On another note, I feel as though I've been lacking some of the longer frame comics for a while. Sure, they're more timely to make and require more depth to get the punchline out, but if it help you to help me make better comics, then so be it. For the time being though, exams are on the rise, so I can't dedicate too much time to this. Also gotta go find jobs and all as well.
But I suppose if the support is there, I will try and make a way. After all, "feedback has its rewards", ja?

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Call of Duty

Fun fact: This actually happened to me in a real job interview. Yes, even the employer more or less said those last few words as well. Totally embarrassing, and let me tell you, that job interview just went downhill from there.
So let that be a lesson to you, from one miserable jobseeker to another: Always turn your phone off before an interview.
Also, another fun fact: That phone call wasn't even a phone call; it just a text from my service provider that I was running out of credit! <sarcasm>Thanks, phone company. That piece of information totally saved my bacon, and I am forever in your debt</sarcasm>.