Monday, April 11, 2016

Career Hub Breakdown

At the university I attend, there's a Career Hub where students can browse jobs from all sorts of questionable places in a vain attempt to grab some relevant work experience before graduation.
More or less, a university-run job site.

One of the main problems is the organisation of jobs. I mean, COME ON. When I browse Science jobs, I expect to see Science-related jobs, not some part-time high school maths tutor position somewhere in Burwood.

Anyway, enough ranting about facts; I have been thinking about changing the blog name to something slightly shorter and more consistent with the Twitter name, @dante_denmore, namely "Dante Denmore". Apparently, @belowminimumwage is too long for a Twitter name, so that's why it hasn't already been used, if you didn't already know.
Partly, it's because if you go and type in "Below Minimum Wage", you'll just find articles about financial corruption and injustice. So for the purposes of search-ability, this sparked the initial idea.
Of course, for all you readers out there that do read these blurbs, you're welcome to comment either on this blog or on the Twitter page about this.

When will the name change occur? I'll give it some thought. Though, I hope to reach a result by the end of this week or next week. Don't want to offend anyone who is starting to take a liking for these comics...

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