Saturday, December 25, 2021

Wine Time

Partially based on those two mediocre-looking bottles of wine that my mum received from a dinner party of sorts. With all this vinegary potential, maybe I can serve it to all those people that I don't like at the next obligatory social gathering that requires bringing some kind of food or drink item. Though they'll probably do the same thing to me as well.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Wrong Recipe

Based on a real recipe I got from someone for making a mocha sugar scrub and a sweet orange salt scrub. If I didn't know any better, I probably would have tried to make these at home and eat them. Fortunately, I have neither the ingredients nor motivation to undertake such an endeavour. Finally, my apathy is doing something useful these days...

Friday, December 10, 2021


I'm sure we've all been there, or will be there for some of you reading this: You spend the last few hours cooking what you suppose is the best food you've ever made. Your magnum opus, if you will. Then, all it takes is a single moment, one piece of criticism, and it all comes crashing down. Some would call you "thin-skinned", but I would say you need to find new friends with lower culinary standards.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Just Ad Salt

Based on that one instance of cooking where I tried to follow a recipe from a YouTube video, but I'd always have to sit through, like, 30 seconds of mandatory ads whenever the video got to an important step. Although this could be intentional, as a means to get fools (totally not me) to buy random stuff on some whimsical recommendation, whether they know it's part of the recipe or not.