Friday, June 25, 2021

Hair in food

Based on a random question that had occurred to me once upon a day: "What happens when people complain about finding hair in their food, but the twist is that the food is SUPPOSED to have hair in it?". Then again, I don't know anyone (yet) who enjoys the idea of coughing up hairballs after every few meals.

Friday, June 18, 2021

The Hunger Game

Based on all those times when I don't feel like eating for hours on end, only to begin starving just minutes later. When you get to my age, you find out one way or another that it's usually due to bad gas. Lousy stomach, can't tell the difference between being full of food and being full of gas.

Friday, June 11, 2021

How to enjoy spicy food

Likely inspired from that unusually spicy green curry I had for dinner many moons ago. But through that long and agonizing ordeal, I realised that spicy food will always have a special place in my life. That is, the garbage bin.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Recipe for Disaster

You could say that I only follow online recipes that have a strict meat-carbohydrates combination to them. Or it could be that those are the recipes that keep being recommended to me by my friends, family and the Internet. In any case, I'd probably create an equally dastardly food product even if I didn't follow the recipe, so at least people eating my food can be reassured that I do know what I'm cooking about 60% of the time.