Friday, April 23, 2021

Coffee Conundrum

Based on an event that involved talking to a car dealer and being offered a complimentary coffee. I don't understand why people don't just waltz into every car dealership under the guise of looking to purchase a new car, get the complimentary coffee and leave as politely as possible. Sure, you'll be remembered as "that person who just turns up for the free coffee", but what are they going to do about it? Not sell you a car?

Friday, April 16, 2021

Serving Size

Perhaps serving sizes have always been the same, but instead the world we live in today has set such high standards for food that almost all restaurants fall short of the unrealistic expectation to provide low-cost, delicious and filling food stuffs to an ever-ungrateful society... Either way, those restaurants are making loads of money by capitalising on our favourite foods!

Friday, April 9, 2021


A throwback to a simpler time and place. One of the signs of a bad cook is having a willingness to consider any and all possible options as substitute ingredients, regardless of its relevance in a culinary context. On the contrary, how can one improve their cooking if they're not willing to experiment with ingredients?

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The odd one out

Making this comic reminded me of that time someone told me to eat at some place that allegedly makes the "best pies". Needless to say, the only food item they had in stock at the time were curry puffs, and the iced tea really wasn't that great. But what do I know about good food and drinks?