Friday, January 29, 2021

Full Capacity

Directly inspired by an observation I've noticed over the last few years, where it seems that my own personal capacity to eat is inversely proportional to the amount of people in my immediate vicinity. Which is to say, having people around makes me want to eat less. A newfangled scientific phenomenon? Or just another case of the Placebo Effect? We may never care enough to find out.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Über Eats

A tribute to my first time using the "Uber Eats" app. Although it would be helpful if they stated upfront that they don't support food orders from a web browser and that it has to be done through the app. Also would be nice if they made the choice to pay using Uber Cash more intuitive, rather than just toggling the button to enable credits for payment and hoping that you don't get double-crossed with this arbitrary currency you only heard about 10 minutes ago.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Can't talk, Eating

Talking with your mouth full of food is considered rude. Yet not responding to people while your mouth is full of food is also considered rude. So then you have to gesture to people that you're still eating, and hope they have the patience and will to awkwardly watch you finish off your food, only for them to decide that they'll just talk to you another time. It's like that every time...

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Can't take the heat

It's a known fact that cooking food in a microwave always results in one of three outcomes:

  • Food is still cold.
  • Food is burned to a crisp.
  • Food is just warm enough to make you think it's fully cooked through, but then you realise only a thin outside layer was cooked.

Which is to say 2/3 times your food will be still cold after microwaving it. I guess people should start referring to it as a "cold-wave"...

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Cooking with Dante

From what I've seen, certain cooking videos on the Internet are more about trying to sell you merchandise or make you subscribe to their content, rather than actually teaching you how to cook. The worst ones are the videos that don't do any talking at all and just use some lazily-selected stock music track for the audio -- I'm watching the video to cook sausages, not burn up the dance floor.