Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Key Ingredient

Based on a true story when I was eating a pack of these bad boys. I don't use that word lightly - that was certainly a bad snack. And who in the right mind even includes the product itself on the list of included ingredients?! Unless someone's trying to be all fancy with recursive ingredients, in which case, congratulations on confusing pretty much everyone.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Special Delivery

Largely inspired from that $10 general purpose gift card I happened to obtain, but the selection of vendors was abhorrent (who's even heard of "Endota Spa" anyway?) and all the good vendors usually have things costing $10+ anyway due to shipping costs and GST. Like, I'd have better luck trading that with some bloke off the streets for a chicken skewer! Actually, that's not a bad idea...

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Worcestershire Sauce

Inspired by all those times I keep mispronouncing the name of this sauce in a public setting.
It's as if its creator couldn't just call it "Salty Sauce" or "Fermented Vinegar" but instead had to go for some obscure name that only they could pronounce just so they could feel special. But the question still remains: How do you correctly pronounce "Worcestershire sauce"?

Friday, September 4, 2020

Expiration Date

It's been a while since I've tried out a new comic format, which is kind of reminiscent of those dialogue speech bubbles you sometimes see in certain video games. And remember kids, always check the expiry date on your food stuffs! Because, believe me, very few things taste OK past the expiry date, and milk is not one of them.