Saturday, August 29, 2020

Food + Wine

Probably inspired by my deep disdain for practically all wine, or alcohol in general for that matter. The smell, taste and sometimes its appearance -- enough to make a man lose his sanity! I think cider is the only thing I can stomach these days, but even so, that was only because it turned out to be fermented apple juice...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Done and Dusted

Some things you have to eat not because its delicious or nutritious in any way, but because you have to appease some external party. You know what I mean - Someone puts their heart and soul into cooking something, but you don't have the guts to say "I really don't want to eat that..." and so you end up having to joylessly eat it anyway.

Friday, August 14, 2020

An Unsatisfied Customer

To quote the Guarantee of Satisfaction found on the wrapper of a Snickers bar here in Australia: "IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED IN ANY WAY, GIVE US A CALL 1800 245 455 IN AUSTRALIA OR 0800 444 433 IN NEW ZEALAND. OR IF YOU LIKE, JUST RETURN THE BIT YOU HAVEN'T EATEN AND THE PACK AND TELL US WHERE AND WHEN YOU BOUGHT IT." Not sure if Australia Post will let you send half-eaten food items in the mail though.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Everything is Chicken

"Tastes like chicken" - A phrase by your standard bloke to describe any food item in particular, even if it's not even savoury... But what if the taste is chicken is actually personalized according to each person's individual taste-buds? Just a thought.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Fortune Cookies

I'll be honest with you, lads: Drawing a fortune cookie is unusually difficult, largely because of unconventional shape it has, which doesn't lend itself nicely to the way I'd normally draw custom objects (i.e. draw a couple of shapes on paper, scan it and hope that it looks OK in Paint). So I'd imagine this is would be the first and last comic to spotlight that food item, until my drawing skills improve... whenever that might be.