Saturday, November 23, 2019

Terms and Conditions

In the context of your usual storefront, terms and conditions with various legal jargon peppered throughout it doesn't help a lot of people. Customers don't read it (as the youngsters these days say: "Tea Ell Dee Are"), employees ignore it (except for those super annoying staff that catch you on this one particular clause they've memorized for no good reason except to make you look like a complete fool), managers need to spend time making sure the proper processes are followed (every time I use one of those KFC receipt offers, the manager is always pulled in).
Next thing you know, lawyers are getting in on the action by charging people money to explain the nuances of a coupon. Like, you spend $100 just to have someone say to you "Look, this coupon is expired, so, yeah...". If they're not already doing this, you can tell they're making enough money as is.

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