Sunday, May 26, 2019

Loss Leader

Lightly inspired by various purchases made at a local Asian supermarket, where the price label and actual price at the checkout counter are two different values. So far, it's been somewhat generous, allowing me to save tens of cents so, as with all semi-random systems, I'd rather not push my luck more than I need to.

Also, time for a LIFE UPDATE! I'll be going on some holiday during June, so you may not see anything new on the blog for, like, a month or something along those lines. I'll try to post something on Wednesday or Thursday to account for the fact that I won't be around on the weekends to post as I normally would. But it might also not happen, in the event I horrendously underestimate the amount of time and effort needed to sufficiently prepare for a holiday. We'll see what happens in due time...

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