Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Paradox of Riches

What better way to end the year than with some profound wisdom about true riches. I suppose the true pessimist would say something like "Ptooie! So-called 'true riches' only exist as an excuse for people to compensate for their lack of wealth!"
Firstly, please don't spit while you're around me. Secondly, if there's anything I've learned from sharking trading cards from innocent students back in primary school, it's that value is almost always a relative construct. Whether it's how shiny something is or the fact that something smells like carbon, value can be derived from any arbitrary attribute.
Having said that, you can also exploit this insight to improve your own sense of wealth. But then you also have to deal with moral dilemmas and ethics-based variables, which is a whole other barrel of monkeys...

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