Sunday, October 28, 2018

Bodily Functions

Give those kids something to remember this Halloween...with some cash-refundable organs that you happen to have lying around! Horrify children! Spread meat contamination like crazy! Possibly get arrested by the police for intending to mentally scar those kids for life! And the best part of all: Save money, by teaching those kids what they'll get next year when they try to trick-or-treat you out of your hard-earned savings!

More life updates! Still not feeling 100% in regards to that strange stomach pain lately. The doctor suggested just waiting it out for a few weeks, and best case scenario, the body will fix itself up in time. Also, exams are coming up at university, so if you don't see regular posts happening, you know why.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Reducing your Household Bills

As it turns out, somewhat surprisingly, spending money is sometimes necessary to save money. Whether it's food, water, electricity, or items of questionable moral value, you just can't live without these things if you get right down to it. So get out there, spend money, make mistakes and (try to) learn from them. Because no amount of money can turn your month-old cabanossi into a heroic tale of epic proportions.

Also, brief update from last week's real-life life situation: I'm feeling a little better in general, but the mornings are usually the worst these days. Darn stomach, always being a pain if it doesn't get any food every few hours. But I get by regardless, but hopefully this sort of thing can be avoided by eating right and feeling joyous. Daily exercise? Let's keep things realistic for now...

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Buying Happiness

There's a wise saying you may have come across in your travels across the Internet:
"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?"
Whatever that vaguely descriptive pain was, I'm sure it literally does not compare to the disappointment of realizing the regret of the moment I pursued money and careers more than anything else...

Speaking of which, I haven't been feeling all too well over the last few days. The local doctor suggests it might be a case of indigestion, so I hope it goes away soon... please? Ah, well, so that might mean that the next few weeks' upload schedules could be rather flaky depending on my overall nausea, and may involve no uploading for particular weeks if it gets that bad.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Simultaneous Loss

Most people don't invite me anymore to shopping adventures or general events that involve spending money. Partly because it's crazy difficult to organize anything involving a lot of people when you're at my age. But mostly because they know that I know that even when all my socks have holes in them and most of my shirts are getting dangerously small, I'd rather look like one of those chumps lining up outside Centrelink than spend money like a normal person would.