Saturday, June 30, 2018

Currency Conversion

Have you ever considered how the conversion rates of worldwide currencies is a lot like the World Cup that's currently underway? Think about it; at any point in time, you could have some no-name country like "Bitcoin" suddenly bust through the ranks like a rising star.
If only my interest in sports could match the amount of sarcasm in this blog post...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tight Budget

I'll have you know that I have been in this situation before. Not exactly at McDonald's, but at those sausage sizzle stalls you find littered around the university premises. Admittedly, they were never the finest moments, especially when I'm told that I should stop wasting peoples' time.
But there's no honour among thieves, and things are not much different when you're a broke university student who constantly makes terrible financial decisions. Sometimes I even confuse myself when it comes to my own current financial status...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Money Lending

To that one guy from primary school who borrowed five dollars from me and then left the school without paying me back: I'm still waiting for my money, sir. These days, you actually have to do the work yourself by constantly reminding people that they owe you things, and then they finally repay you with something that didn't even relate to the thing they borrowed from you! Perhaps it's just the people that I happen to be around, or more likely, I'm a terrible financial planner to the point where I'm *this* close to spending twice as much time, effort and money on a regular university degree than everyone else in the department. Sigh, financial planning is such a pain...

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lunch Comparison

Today, I did not have lunch. Largely because I "forgot" my wallet when I was at the shopping centre food court, but also as a vain effort to save money. Sure, the rest of the day was a huge pain because of my hunger and deep-seated regret on missing a crucial meal, but here I am typing away and telling you about this. I suppose I could go for a cabanossi stick right about now, but then it will turn out like the last time I had to buy a sausage-related food item...

Saturday, June 2, 2018

$10 Family Feed

A few eons ago, Coles had this whole "Feed you Family for just $10" marketing scheme floating around "But $2.50 is chump change for one person in a four-man family" some of you might be thinking. Ridiculous! There are plenty of things you can get for $2.50 and call it "dinner"! A packet of chips! A cabanossi stick! Two chocolate bars! The list goes on, but the point is that a $2.50 meal is possible; I just never mentioned anything about it being worthwhile.