Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Handling a Challenge

To an abstract extent, every job interview is essentially one big trick-or-treat encounter, with the "treat" being a job offer and the "trick" being you wasting your time standing out in the cold, begging employers to give you said job offers.
On the topic of Halloween, you know what costume I'll be wearing? You guessed right: None! Although I could have said "Super Saiyan Goku" or "'Frieza Saga' Young Gohan" and probably get away with it, I wouldn't pull such cheap tricks just for the 😱 or the ðŸ˜³.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Some job interviews involve some sort of written component, whether that's a small exam paper, a whiteboard or on a small disposable serviette because you forgot to bring your own paper and the employer won't supply you any, even though they have literal bins filled to the brim with scrap paper.
In any case, this comic is a tribute for all those times when handwriting practice for said job interviews count for nothing in the heat of the moment.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Referrals in a Nutshell

Referrals: The professional way of saying "You're someone else's problem now" without having you know that fact directly. Personally, I've only been in one referral, which failed before I could even make it to the first stage of consideration. Still, I'm not completely sure what to expect out of a referral. A job? Exposure? Experience in almost landing a decent job? Wasting your time?
All these answers are correct, and more too, when at the end of the day, someone else is just going to snag that sweet source of financial income before you can think "Gosh, I was in a referral! My credentials must be improving!".

Monday, October 9, 2017

Cold Calling

Surely, it's not your fault you don't have much experience in literally hounding prospective employers for jobs. And when you do, they just give you the cold shoulder. They'll tell you this is snow place for a novice like yourself, and that you're on thin ice. But never mind those jerks, thinking they're all cool and flashy. Because an avalanche is coming, and when it hits, you'll be the one riding the breeze.

This week, I've got a bit more time than usual, so much so, I can spend a but more time thinking about cold-related puns to go with this week's comic. Don't expect this to be the norm, but I'll try to get these comics to you on Monday or Tuesday, even if I'm frozen with fear. I'm running out of ideas for these cold-related puns, so I should probably end this paragraph before things get too slippery (because ice is slippery...you see what I'm talking about?).

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


A man can dream though. And I think this is one of the last times I use uneven frame sizes for comics; the uniformity just ain't right!
But I don't know what's more saddening: The fact that my networking experiences have never really made it past the first frame, or the fact that I realized that my networking experiences have never really made it past the first frame. Self-consciousness can be a dangerous corollary...more so than not actually having a job.