Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Sense of Urgency

Most people want everything done immediately with few resources. That's how we get things like terrible video games, questionable workplace practices and, not surprisingly, disappointingly inflexible employers. Sure, you might try and do something about it, like trying to negotiate a middle ground for yourself and the employer, but in a number of cases I've probably been in, they'll just point you to the door, refuse to answer your follow-up emails, and make things awkward every time you encounter them at a careers fair.

Also, a brief note about the monthly updates: It's been fairly busy lately with university projects and such, so I might have to skimp out on a monthly update this time until the workload (i.e. stress) drops considerably. While the *old* Dante Denmore Facebook page is still showing up on Google searches, I'll just remind you that the page will never be recovered due to circumstances described in a previous blog post. I've been thinking of a running another Facebook page in place of the old one, but if you want to object that, you can tell me on Twitter, email or on the blog itself.

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