Monday, August 28, 2017

Phone Interview Distractions

Other distractions can also include phone hardware failures (sometimes when I try to make a swiping motion on my phone, it isn't recognised properly and occasionally cancels the call) and personal illness (it's hard to talk when you're spitting out blood at the bathroom sink).
Interestingly enough, I can sometimes make it to the next stage (where I inevitably fail in a miserable way) even in the face of these distractions, in particular with ambient noise. That one's just the worst, because you can't tell if your phone is terrible, your hearing is worsening, the employer is speaking too softly or it's actual ambient noise.

Moving on, the question some of you might be asking: What will happen with the monthly Facebook updates?
As it turns out, the account used to operate the Dante Denmore page has been shut down / become defunct. Long story short, I think it has to do with the account name being Dante Denmore, although I'm not sure why Facebook would let this slide for one and a half years. I'll have to make a new account to make future posts, although this will mean that anyone could post anything on the page without proper administration. Should that happen, I will report my own page and ensure its deletion, so I trust that we're all jolly good fellows and can act responsibly.

EDIT: Seems I can't post anything to the page as an external user anymore, since the linked account is down. I should probably start a new page for the future updates. I could just end these monthly updates right here, but I do like the opportunity to reflect and ponder the happenings over the past month...

Monday, August 21, 2017

An Untimely Opportunity

Inspired by an interaction with a particular associate from another time and place, who now has some kind of stable employment as far as I'm concerned. I think the last thing he said was that the company was really busy at the time, which makes sense. Then again, potential dating partners will also make all kinds of excuses to avoid you at any cost. Just read some of Jon's dating adventures from the Garfield comics in 2003 - 2005.
But whether it's sincerity or outright intolerance of your existence, be assured that mistakes had to be made in the grand scheme of things. Mistakes at the expense of your own sanity.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Interview Fatigue

We've all had those days. When you just want an interview to end, knowing full well that you're not the ideal candidate without even getting to the end of the interview.
Personally, I'm not sure if employers can tell if you're not paying attention. I'd imagine they would, considering the fact that it's the HR department's job to deal with people in general. Guess you gotta go big... or go home, son.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Hating your Job

I've always had this despise of people with jobs and how they complain about the fact that they have to work, and its lack of fulfillment. After all, isn't this what you signed up for? Isn't this "living the dream"?
Looking back, I suppose I could say the same thing about my university degree and how, at times, I would not have preferred to do the work nor feel any fulfillment. Yet, here we are, in the midst of yet another semester.
Sometimes it can be hard to appreciate the little things. Most times, I accept the fact that I'm a shallow fool. Almost every time, I never quite change enough than I know I should.

On a more serious update, the Facebook account for this blog is currently busted (the page can still be viewed, but I can't post things like I used to), so I'll have to resort to one or more of the following solutions as alternative work-around's:

  • Use another Facebook account to post all the end-of-monthly updates on the page.
  • Retire aforementioned updates, deeming July 2017 as the last month with an update.
  • Start doing monthly updates on the blog, or on Twitter.
  • Wait for Facebook to do something about this problem (arbitrary effectiveness).