Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Call Me, Maybe

Whenever people call me, it's either someone wanting to get into my house or a possible job prospect. Occasionally there are instances where I'm called about neither of those things.
But if it's about jobs, I always seem to be in this back-and-forth asynchronous conversation in order to get the application process in the works. This comic is based on one of those days a couple of years ago.

Some things are a bit different for this specific post. I will try and address the most immediate questions below:

Q. Why is the comic posted in two sections?
A. Blogger shrinks your images if they're too long or wide. And frankly I like to be able to read my comics  with minimal seeing effort.

Q. Piggo does HR work now?
A. Why not? He's a pig of all trades.

Q. Why are you posting on a Tuesday this week?
A. Because I have to study for exams while still having to deal with job applications from a few weeks ago. Also yesterday was the Queen's Birthday here in Australia, sort of like <insert public holiday here> in <insert country here>.

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