Monday, June 26, 2017

Technical Difficulty

Portfolios are important, no doubt about that. But any applicant worth their salt knows the cost of making mistakes during a job interview. Unless you can make it look like it's all part of the plan. In most cases, you'll just end up wasting a bunch of time and sweating like it's the middle of Summer (sometimes I do get job interviews during that time of the year as well) while having your interviewers stare at you irritatingly as you fumble around with your device BIOS.
Long story short, make sure things work before you show that the thing works. Gee, that was really vague in hindsight. But at least you get the general idea...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Painful Choice

I've had an employer give me this ultimatum once. As far as I know, it went better than he expected. Still, there's no experience like the feeling of getting your unemployed body tossed out of the building premises and having a terrible referee to validate your lack of practical sense. I mean, you can't get that in any university degree... Wait, no I think you still can if you get expelled from the university.
The point is that you're always going to miss these core opportunities for employment. But that's fine, there's more where that came from. Just like that meme of the dog drinking tea in a burning house.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Call Me, Maybe

Whenever people call me, it's either someone wanting to get into my house or a possible job prospect. Occasionally there are instances where I'm called about neither of those things.
But if it's about jobs, I always seem to be in this back-and-forth asynchronous conversation in order to get the application process in the works. This comic is based on one of those days a couple of years ago.

Some things are a bit different for this specific post. I will try and address the most immediate questions below:

Q. Why is the comic posted in two sections?
A. Blogger shrinks your images if they're too long or wide. And frankly I like to be able to read my comics  with minimal seeing effort.

Q. Piggo does HR work now?
A. Why not? He's a pig of all trades.

Q. Why are you posting on a Tuesday this week?
A. Because I have to study for exams while still having to deal with job applications from a few weeks ago. Also yesterday was the Queen's Birthday here in Australia, sort of like <insert public holiday here> in <insert country here>.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Emotional Breakdown

The feels are reals. Back when I used to use Facebook for more general purposes, I'd often see posts about landing that "dream job" or working your last shift at Subway before going off to become one of the best event organizers the country has ever known. These days, I'm more using LinkedIn and I still feel moderately inadequate when I read about other peoples' success. Perhaps I should move to those old school social media platforms like MSN or even *shudder* MySpace. At least the bar is set so low there that you'd actually have to try to fail in order to actually fail.
Well, as I've once said in the past: Prepare to be homeless...