Monday, May 29, 2017

Types of LinkedIn Mugshots

Trying to find network leads on LinkedIn is certainly made easier when they actually provide a mugshot. Understandably, some people don't update their profiles that often because, you know, they actually have a stable career.
Even so, most LinkedIn mugshots I encounter usually fall into one or more of these general categories. As in the case of my own profile, it's my go-to prison mugshot from the police station/photo processing store sort of close to the police station.
No that's not actually my face, just an image I found on Google Image Search.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Suspicious Job Interview

You know that feeling when you're *just* about to land that dreamy job, and then you realise that it's a huge scam and your entire life up to that point has been a lie? Yes, it seems that we're back to square one on this one, where every job opportunity always finds someone better as a potential hire and every entry level job sounds as suspicious as that one interview in the city library.
Well, you know what they say: Watch like an eagle, strike like a hawk, dance like nobody's watching...

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Last Laugh

Sometimes I'm able to crack a joke or something the employer can relate to, in context of a job interview. I would like to think they're not laughing at my stupidity or incompetence, although it might explain my track record of past failed job interviews.
Even so, I have to casually laugh along as well so that it appears that was the intention. Not sure if employers can see through that weak social facade, but then again, would you rather have a dead serious job interview instead?

Monday, May 8, 2017


If you're not a technology-development-minded person, GitHub is more or less like Instagram but for code. It's a lot more complex than that, but it should suffice. Anyway, I'm not sure if there's any employer that's ever looked at my GitHub projects, especially since I read from a semi-reliable source that employers only spend a few seconds looking at a CV.
Even so, I suppose you shouldn't just be doing things solely for landing that job interview, but it is helpful to know that you are still capable of learning new things, with or without proper schooling.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Jobs are like Girlfriends

Recently, I've just lost my job more or less, and so after a few months of superiority and expendable cash, I'm now back to square one. I will probably mention this on the Facebook page later this month (as in end of May, I don't know why Blogger keeps timestamping everything in U.S. time).
One initial recurring question was "Is this what a breakup feels like?". Looking deeper (i.e. doing Google searches for "how to recover from a breakup"), there were certainly similarities between the procedures described and the actions my manager recommended to "sever ties" as cleanly as possible.

I guess, like a crazed ex-boyfriend hooked on dopamine, I need some time to think. You know, man time. Or maybe I should just find the next curvaceous job opportunity and hope things turn out better.