Monday, May 1, 2017

Jobs are like Girlfriends

Recently, I've just lost my job more or less, and so after a few months of superiority and expendable cash, I'm now back to square one. I will probably mention this on the Facebook page later this month (as in end of May, I don't know why Blogger keeps timestamping everything in U.S. time).
One initial recurring question was "Is this what a breakup feels like?". Looking deeper (i.e. doing Google searches for "how to recover from a breakup"), there were certainly similarities between the procedures described and the actions my manager recommended to "sever ties" as cleanly as possible.

I guess, like a crazed ex-boyfriend hooked on dopamine, I need some time to think. You know, man time. Or maybe I should just find the next curvaceous job opportunity and hope things turn out better.

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