Monday, January 2, 2017

A New Year

It's been just 2 days into the new year and already I have a bad premonition that 2017 will be an equally busy, if not even worse, year than 2016. For a start, graduation is knocking on my door like a pair of charity workers. Additionally, my parents are getting me to run more of their household duties, so I've had to learn about 25 different skills in a month, most of which contribute nothing to my employ-ability.

Also, on a somewhat more serious note, I am starting to feel the creative juices run out of this theme. Perhaps this comic is testament to that. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the parodying of my own employ-ability, but I am starting to feel like it's the same formula repeated with slight variations while sources of inspiration are drying up.
Even so, I think I will look into finding a new theme for the blog; In fact I believe I've even posted it on the blog somewhere in one of the weeks.

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