Monday, January 23, 2017

A Well-Earned Rest

Sometimes this is what I imagine what employers and HR personnel are doing while you wait for them to get back to you (if they even decide respond to you anyway). While I understand that these people are working in demanding full-time jobs, they still need to keep their word about delivering on certain things. Then again, who is it that needs this job? <sarcasm> Oh, I almost forgot: Me. </sarcasm>

: New life-related update in regards to the future of this blog! Nothing big, but certainly worth noting if you're a bit of a regular here on the blog.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Delayed and Denied

It's been about a year since I was in a very particular job interview. The HR Manager said he'd contact me in a year's time to consider my suitability for future positions. Not surprisingly, I have not heard anything from said HR manager, even after I sent him a post-interview thank-you note.
I guess that goes to show how employers can already doubt you without having you know it. It's a bit like failing a test but only realizing you have to redo the subject 3 years after said exam.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Interview Location

Inspired by yet another dubious employment experience, where the location I was told to go to didn't match what other sources said. In the end, I had to contact the HR personnel, which they verified that their location was ultimately correct. Had I have trusted other less-accurate sources such as Whereis and the 2015 Sydney street directory, I may as well have spent 3 hours waiting around at a hairdressing salon.

Monday, January 2, 2017

A New Year

It's been just 2 days into the new year and already I have a bad premonition that 2017 will be an equally busy, if not even worse, year than 2016. For a start, graduation is knocking on my door like a pair of charity workers. Additionally, my parents are getting me to run more of their household duties, so I've had to learn about 25 different skills in a month, most of which contribute nothing to my employ-ability.

Also, on a somewhat more serious note, I am starting to feel the creative juices run out of this theme. Perhaps this comic is testament to that. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the parodying of my own employ-ability, but I am starting to feel like it's the same formula repeated with slight variations while sources of inspiration are drying up.
Even so, I think I will look into finding a new theme for the blog; In fact I believe I've even posted it on the blog somewhere in one of the weeks.