Monday, December 26, 2016

The Proposal

The first fully coloured comic on the blog ever! A groovy way to end the year as well, eh?
But in hindsight, 2016 has been a rather disappointing year with slight variations in emotional tone. Still, will 2017 be any different? Probably not, considering it's most likely the year I finish my university studies and do some internship work. Sigh...

In regards to the comic, I find that approaching anybody to ask them to be by reference is surprisingly daunting. I've even had one person turn down my reference request. Then again, what could that person say to persuade an employer to hire me? So remember kids, try and get your references to say good things about you. And from there, they will finish the home run.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Fake Job Listing

Ah, this one brings back some memories. Surprisingly based on a true occurrence. I mean, how often do you find someone with 4+ years in project management AND falls for these cheesy job listings? There's a reason we have job sites and there's a reason we have logos for companies. Still, I will recommend for anyone out there please, DON'T FALL FOR THESE CHEAP TRICKS.
Trust me, kiddo, I have seen that side of the grass, and let me assure you, that's no grass; that's some fraud takin' all your money right before your eyes. Well, not to that extreme, but if I hadn't stayed on my toes, I would've lost much more than just my savings...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Speed Read

This is how I read most job advertisements these days, more or less. After all, I have been in an interview where I had about half the skills the panel were looking for, and they didn't even call me back about the interview result (it was implicit that they did not want to hire me, and both the panel and I knew this in due time).
I suppose the moral is that the more skills you can meet, the more power you have. But even the mighty have their own burdens to bear...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Mathematically Proving Joblessness

You can tell this is a false proof because of the following reasons:
a) Getting a Job only equals 0 because it is multiplied by 0. It's like saying 1 x 0 = 0, therefore 1 = 0.
b) Suppose Getting a Job = 0 is a true fact. Therefore, Easy = 0 since Getting a Job = Easy.
However, following the proof given, 1 = Easy divided by Getting a Job, a problem is encountered. It's a mathematical fact that 0/0 is undefined (see here), which is certainly not 1. Therefore, the conclusion is false.
c) Would you really trust this blog to give you a novel game-changing mathematical formula that could make you rich and maybe win you an award? I thought so (i.e. the answer is no).

Still, I suppose you can take this as an implicit optimism that you can (probably) always get a job somehow, someday. It may not necessarily be a good job, or something that can pay the bills, but that's what you get for a vague statement like this.

On another note, the blog has hit 1000 views! Yeah!
As I sort of promised back in the early days, I'll try and get around to reopening the Facebook page related to Dante Denmore. Also, I might go about other administrative elements of the blog, like changing the background image and all. So you might be the first to see these new changes in the works. I should also get around to adding features to allow for more reader input, both here on the blog and on social media...

EDIT: Check out the Facebook page! It's a little dry, but it's (hopefully) a work in progress.