Monday, November 28, 2016


You know the job is way out of your league when you didn't even know the names of things you're expected to know before even applying for the job in the first place. And there you are: stuttering like an idiot and showing your competence equally so.
But you'd think that if you made it to the interview stage that the employer must find something redeemable about you. Or perhaps they just pity you and just want to waste your time? Surely, some of us will forever be stuck in the corporate limbo between qualification and quantifiable job.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wrong Year

Based on a true story. Well, except for the last two frames. Though I would be surprised to see that happen. Still, a lot can happen in 500 years. Namely, finding a job and establishing financial security.
Even so, I don't understand why job adverts don't take the effort to make their advertisements as pristine as possible. I mean, what does a spelling error say about your company? That second-best is good enough, or you overlook fine details in favour of sheer reputation?
Perhaps I should even make more comics about employment hypocrisies...

Monday, November 14, 2016


A constant problem I face in most job applications isn't just the process of weaseling your way through the selection criteria or preparing a custom resume for that job I'm unlikely to get, albeit they are prevalent issues.
But one of the number one problems I face is the CONFIRMATION OF MY APPLICATION! I mean, why is it so difficult to confirm an application I've spent days and hours preparing, stressing over fine details and such? Usually I have to review my application about 5 times before I actually submit it, and then I find out I can just update my application before the cutoff date. Augh.
Well, as the saying goes: "Waste not, want not, son".

Monday, November 7, 2016

An Absolute Commute

Some jobs are in easy locations, like near the university or close to where I live. Others are in slightly more difficult but rather predictable places, like in the city. And then there's the jobs I mostly encounter, located in other states and sometimes other countries. Still, should I be so hasty to dismiss a possible (but still unlikely) job opportunity just because of its location? Well, if there's anything I've learned from that Chinese dating show "If You Are The One", there's more or less an excuse for anything these days.