Monday, October 31, 2016

The Bodycount

It's Halloween, and we're celebrating with a close-to-midnight comic release! Oooooo! Actually, I've just been rather busy today, and for the next few days. I mean, who the heck plans out when all these assignments are released?! 4 days of consecutive due dates, with various tests scattered in between. UGH.

But anyway, I should make some notes about the comic itself. This one took quite a while to do. I mean, it does take some effort to get all those Dante's piled up high.
But I believe this was inspired by a video I watched from some Google interns, saying "This is the greatest place I've ever worked" and "The work ethic is so trendy!". And I'm thinking "Ja, but do you know how many people you had to step on just to get where you are now? Do you know how many broken aspirations and shattered dreams it took just to get your dream to come true?".
To which they could respond "Yup, and it. Feels. GREAT...".

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