Monday, July 25, 2016

Time Crisis

It's hardly surprising how some employers can't respect you as an avidly desperate job seeker, let alone, as a person. And I remember this one jerk of an employer... Ooh, just thinking about that person makes my blood boil, my kidneys expand and my large intestines to start shaking uncontrollably.
As in most cases, it's generally not a good idea to loiter around in misery and disappointment when it comes down to bad job seeking experiences, but then again, that is the main premise of this comic blog (Or was it?).

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Odd Job

Inspired from a rather demeaning comment from my parents which argued that making a living off mowing lawns would be more productive than studying at university. True, I can see where they are approaching this issue from, but it feels like Trick-or-Treat except you have to nauseatingly work for your candy.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Resume Condition

Your state of your resume says a lot about yourself, and perhaps about your state of mind.
As in most cases, my resume says "This man has sprinted through hell, caught 16 different illnesses and fought off a wild terrier to deliver this lousy piece of paper to your cold, lifeless hands".
So make sure you keep that resume nice and neat, so the employer won't be immediately disappointed with the sorry sack of credentials they see you as.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Interview Confidence Graph

For the majority of interviews I've been to (i.e. less than 20 in total as of writing this), this is more or less  how my confidence levels go down. Partly, there's the fact that I'm not a very good clutch performer, so I often slip up in a sudden-death-make-or-break situation.

Still, even if you do get the job, I predict that your confidence levels will skyrocket briefly before realizing the amount of effort and time is needed to actually do the job well.