Monday, May 30, 2016

Interview Perception - Tetris Metaphor

It happens more often than you think. Yes, I am also talking about the "being-bad-at-Tetris" part as well. But just when you though you had that near perfect setup for a clean Tetris (i.e. clearing 4 rows at once), the employer snaps you back into reality, where you've got holes everywhere and nothing seems to turn out right.
Most days can be like that. And some days, you can actually work around this mess of blocks into a nicer situation that really shows your ability to clutch situations and grab that job like a crazed sociopath. I have yet to encounter that day... no, I don't intend on turning into a crazed sociopath...

In any news, we've CHANGED TO BLOG NAME! Hoorah! Now users will be slightly confused about the blog domain, especially since I can't edit Tweets for the past 14 comics posted. Ah well, consider a legacy of how far we've come and a memento of what will be.
I've also disabled an apparent Facebook linked to Dante Denmore. Primarily, this is because I'd like to stay small for a while, and then expand onto other social media, such as Facebook, if this blog ever gets its wings going. For now, Twitter and Blogger will be the way to go. Plus, less maintenance on my end to update multiple social media channels. A win-win, but in such a way that nobody really gains anything significant.
Also, I've posted the email I use to associate with this blog on the main page, on the side somewhere. If you really want to send me comments (or just simply spam me with random email ads), you're free to do so. Perhaps I might even incorporate some of that into future comics? Who knows, who cares.

Lastly, I've decided that "Below Minimum Wage" will be a subheading for the blog. This is because I'd still like to pay homage (pronounced home-aj) to the past blog name, and keep that idea of life's phases in play. It might be possible the name will never disband the extra "Below Minimum Wage" ever, but again, I think a seasons setup might work nicely, especially when I am trying to find a job in the world of reality.

Again, anything at all, Tweet me, email me, comment me. And if you're not happy about changes, talk it up! If anything, I'd like to see somebody who's bothered to write virtual words to a one-man comic blogger.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Just a Few Questions

I think there were about 50 or so total questions in this specific job application. Not surprisingly, I didn't even make it to the in-person screening stage. Funny how you can spend half your week researching a company, only to find out they never needed you in the first place.

Also, I found that Googling your blog name is always useful to gauge whether or not people can actually find your content easily. Turn out, there's already a well-established comic series called "Minimum Wage" by Bob Fingerman. So I might end up renaming the entire blog to "Dante Denmore", after our sorrowful hero (see last frame of  "Alternatives to Getting a Job").

In that case, I might run with the "various chapters / seasons" approach, where "Below Minium Wage" is the first pack of comics in a series of comics parodying joblessness. My question is: Will anybody notice the change of blog name?
I would presume most people won't mind, but in the case there are "passionate" fans out there who do want a say in all this, I'll state that 30 May 2016 will be the last day this blog will be called "Below Minimum Wage", before we switch to "Dante Denmore". If you can convince me to keep the name as is, it will be so. Otherwise, time's-a-ticking before you can get your next hit of employment disappointment.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Practice Questions

Sure, interviews are supposed to grill you on your thought processes and approaches to applying logic to problems, but in the context of a make-or-break employment opportunity topped with the pressure to perform well and impress the employer, you're going to get wrecked.
In some cases, you might be able to pull off a lucky shot, or it's kind of easy and I'm just pathetically incompetent at answering job interview questions. Personally, I'd say both.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Phone Interview

Sorry for posting this comic so late in the week! I've had to prep up for an IRL job interview which, not surprisingly, I didn't quite make the cut. Oddly enough, I think I'll be in a slightly more reputable state with this company once I send them my post-interview "thank you" email letter.

Note that the next few comics over the coming weeks will run as a series of experiences about another job interview I was involved in last year. So stay tuned, cowboy up and buckle down, 'cause this is going to be one mildly psychotic ride!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Multiplied by 0

I remember reading somewhere on LinkedIn about the multipliers of adding things to your profile. It's probably removed from the site by now, but either way, it's doing nothing to get me those precious profile views!
Maybe I should just make another LinkedIn account just to artificially boost my view count...