Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ignorance ≠ Bliss

I have yet to meet a person who enjoys having their stuff moved around constantly and relishes the "thrill of the hunt" as they try to track down their stuff again. Granted, this also seems like a fairly standard thing to see in a video game, so I guess that means I haven't met a lot of people.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Duality of Man

It's either that, or painstakingly doing all this cleaning work for others out of your own free will, only to have them berate you because you forgot some really minor thing or didn't clean something in specific way.

Some days, it feels like cleaning is a lose-lose task no matter who you're aiming to please, whether it's yourself or others.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Double Time

You'll be lucky to even have people around at all to help you clean. And when you do have them available to help, it's always conveniently when the hard labor is already done, as if they've got some kind of allergy to putting effort into things. Then again, I'm also guilty as charged...

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Party mess

Has there ever been a year where everybody is celebrating the new year without getting blackout drunk or, more ambitiously, have the allotted party venue moderately clean with all the furniture still intact? Perhaps there was one, in another time and place.