Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thousand yard stare

Don't you just hate it when you remembered that one thing you didn't do, whether it's cleaning something or taking out/in the clothes, and it just throws you off for the rest of the day? No? Alright, I guess it's just a problem with me then...

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Our Mess

Vaguely inspired by all those people who are always telling me "clean this thing up" or "tidy that up" and either never do anything about it themselves or do the bare minimum after there's enough people helping said cleanup (or just outright assume you'll be the one willing to do the work). How do people  keep getting away with this?!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Dishing it out

For all those times I'm washing a ton of dishes, and people just keep adding to the pile with their own used plates and cutlery. Even worse, some people would wait for you to start cleaning and then dump all their stuff on you so they don't have to clean it themselves. If you're one of those people, you're cruising for a bruising.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Health degradation

You're telling me there's a correlation between all the times I've been getting sick this year and the number of occasions where I've left week-old garbage lying around at home? Sounds like the stuff conspiracy theories are made of.