Saturday, October 29, 2022


Bonus points if you can convince people that the rancid smell coming from the basement is just your "homemade rotting corpse fragrance for Halloween" to really immerse people into the whole haunted house theme you've got going, and totally not bags of garbage that you forgot about for weeks on end.

Saturday, October 22, 2022


A testament to all those times I forget to do some menial task, like taking out the garbage or cleaning the dishes, and then keep forgetting to do said task until someone gets mad about me not actioning said task. As I often say in response to this: "If you're so mad about this task not being done, you're free to do it yourself."

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Ungraceful Charity

Partly inspired by all the unsolicited life advice I usually get from people older than me. Which to clarify, I wouldn't mind getting free stuff that symbolizes their disappointment with my life, at least I can sell that stuff for money or even re-gift it to other people... implying that they, too, should clean up their life.

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Inspired by that age-old paradox of cleaning a room, but your very presence in the room while cleaning is making the place filthy again. But you have to be there, otherwise the cleaning won't happen...
You know what this means: Time to buy a hazmat suit for household cleaning purposes.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Professionals Have Standards

In hindsight, all those times people have gotten me to dispose of week-old food waste and the occasional animal will probably contribute to some kind of lifelong health implication down the line. I suppose that's why people are so keen on getting me to undertake such tasks...