Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Perception of waste

Being messy can be good and/or manageable, depending on the context. Now you can fool yourself more effectively whenever you look at that abysmal pile of unwashed clothes and tell yourself "I just need to find the right context for this to be OK..."

Friday, September 9, 2022

So long, partner

In recent years, September seems to be the month that's all about the pain of searing loss. As we remember the good old days in times past, let us also remember that the future is what you make of it and that we should honor those that have come before us...

Wow, that was unusually deep for a weekly comic blurb.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Weather report

Any kind of weather-dependent cleaning is always a double-edged sword. On one hand, if the weather is unfavorable enough, you're off the hook. On the other hand, such weather often makes future cleaning attempts more difficult, whether it's having to deal with a bigger mess or being scolded by friends and family for not being proactive enough.

Modern thinking would suggest that you just pay someone else to do your cleaning, regardless of the weather.