Friday, July 29, 2022

Idle hands

Partly inspired by the classic saying: "If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean". Sure, most of us abhor any form of cleaning duty, which is perhaps why someone like myself prefers to stay busy enough to have a semi-legitimate excuse to not clean most of the time.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Smell you later

Let's be real: You only really notice that a given place smells bad when someone points it out to you. And when you're the only one who can detect said bad smell, some of us would be thinking "I suppose it's just me, since nobody else is complaining about it".
In which case, logic suggests that if you want something to smell OK, remove all the people who think that thing smells bad, which may or may not include you.

Friday, July 15, 2022


This one's for all those people who can't help but clean up a messy room, even if it's not even their own house or even intended to be cleaned. Whoever you are, stop it - some of us want to willingly live in our own filth.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Clean getaway

Let's face it: Most of us would rather get some cleaning work done than talk to that one person that we'd rather avoid. It's a win-win for everyone - You avoid yet another a social encounter, the other person gets on with their life and the immediate location is slightly cleaner than it was moments before!

Friday, July 1, 2022


I guess if you're going to walk all over someone's freshly cleaned floor, you may as well go all-out and make as much of a mess as you can while moving. Drag your feet! Drool like a wild animal! Buy a smoothie just so you can spill half of it on the floor! Because a well-cleaned floor is also an indication of a floor that has been denied its purpose...