Saturday, April 30, 2022


The worst part is turning up to the premises at the agreed time, only to find that the very people who called you in to clean up have decided to have an after-party of sorts. And then you're left to stand outside in the dark until they get tired and finally decide to go home. Yep, living the dream right there...

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Burden of the Helpful

Based on all those times when I'm washing a single plate or bowl, and before I know it, I'm having to wash someone else's used pots, pans and seven other unusually greasy utensils. I suppose using a dishwasher would solve that issue, though people would still just have me hand wash their stuff anyway.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Cleaning is fun!

Interestingly enough, there's a slew of surprisingly fun cleaning-based video games, such as Viscera Cleanup Detail and PowerWash Simulator, to name a couple. Yet, cleaning up in reality is nowhere close to being that fun. If we were living in a simulation, clearly somebody isn't doing their job correctly...

Friday, April 8, 2022


Of course nobody tells the cleaners about social events that clash with their working hours. If anything, it's all the more reason why cleaners would be needed that day, albeit with no overtime pay and little possibility of employers learning from said clash.

Friday, April 1, 2022

A Clean Start

Nothing like a good old self-deprecating joke to start the month of April. It always seems to go down the same way: You start off motivated to make things right, look at the mess as a whole and deeply regret even thinking about the endeavour you're about to embark on. Sometimes we really do let our dreams be dreams...