Friday, March 25, 2022

Spring Cleaning

There's a certain kind of refreshment when you finish cleaning up all the unused apps from your device, or organizing your files into folders on your PC. What about that tangible pile of mess in your house? Just... pretend it's a work of art, or something.

Also for anyone who cares enough about the still-kind-of-new Instagram account: After realising the difficulty of posting comics with the more unusual aspect ratios such as this comic, as well as the awful user experience as a PC user, Instagram will probably be used instead for experimental drawings and maybe even off-hand comics. Stay tuned for more updates, I guess?

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Taste of Regret

A rather mediocre finale to not just last week's comic, but also to the "Food For Thought" series. Looking back on it now, I didn't realise I had so many weird perceptions about food and cooking. Kind of makes me think I'm a multi-faceted individual with nuanced opinions. HA! That joke will never stop getting old.

Also, as a heads up: With the new series starting next week, the comics will also be released on Instagram until further notice (or I get tired of Instagram). This might make it easier for some of you to keep up with all the latest and/or greatest comics, so be sure to follow the dante_denmore account and like those comics. Please?

Friday, March 11, 2022

Senior's Discount

The mundane sequel to last week's comic, as it were. These days, you'll be lucky to get any sort of discount without being some kind of a war veteran or hero of the people. It's like the cultural equivalent of all those "I did X and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" clothes, except this is one visage you can't remove easily.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Into the Future

Based on one of those limited-time redeemable tokens I got back in 2015 for a free sundae from McDonald's and capitalizing on the complacency of mega-corporations for using two digits to represent the year on printed dates. Now I just have to wait about... 993 more years until I can taste that sweet freedom.