Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Great Devourer

Let me tell you, whenever you cook microwave popcorn, the bag ends up tasting better than the actual popcorn because that's where all the seasoning ends up. And if you haven't been licking down the sides of the bag before disposing of it, you've been missing out on the experience of a lifetime, even though it's probably bad for your health.

Since we've hit the 300 comic milestone, the obligatory bonus blog post is now available. But more than that...

We've now got an Instagram account! 🎉

Now you can find all the latest blog posts you loathe (and more) in TWO places on the Internet! The link can be found in the Social Media side bar, or you can click on that giant announcement heading.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Candy Crushed

Largely inspired by my purchase of a Kinder Happy Hippo 5-pack from Thailand back in 2019, only eating it on special occasions because the darn thing was so hard to buy here in Australia. And then all of a sudden, every supermarket within a 2 kilometre radius is now selling these things! Could I have been a bigger fool?! Probably; I could have just tossed them all out instead of eating them.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Floor Food

As a supposed sequel to last week's comic, I sometimes try to reason with people as to why eating food off the floor is actually a good thing that benefits everyone to some extent. Should you also use these to justify your animal-like instincts when it comes to potentially wasted food? Sure, if you don't value your social credibility.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Eat up & Clean up

Sometimes I question why people get so concerned whenever I eat food off the ground. It's not like they're going to be eating it as well. Besides, that sounds like a problem for future me, when I have to live with the consequences of my poor decisions in my haphazard youth. After all, nothing teaches you a life lesson better than a potentially scarring life experience.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Non-Stop Popcorn

Based on my initial reaction to the popcorn refill policy at the local cinema near me, which turns out has some limits in place such as a maximum of two refills and staff permission to refuse refills. So while you can't pocket a week's supply of popcorn for your own consumption, at least you can pass out in the comfort of your local cinema without having your loved ones feel ashamed of being affiliated with you.