Saturday, October 30, 2021


It's that time of the year again for a vaguely spooky comic. This time, based on that horrifying time in my youth when I literally split a tooth while eating some cracker nuts. It was awful, having to spit out half a tooth while having the other jagged half causing pain whenever I was eating. Kind of makes me wonder how I'm still able to eat cracker nuts today.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Mind Wipe

Based on all those times people have asked me for dining suggestions, only for me to forget all my favourite eating places in that instant and then they just end up going for something generic. Like KFC or *shudders* Subway. Don't get me wrong, Subway has come a long way from those "soggy bread wrapped in paper" days, but let's face it: You should only ever be at Subway for those sweet, sweet cookies.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Mystery drink

Inspired by that one time I was at a pub with someone and they tried to use their online menu to order drinks for us, only to find that you couldn't specify what particular drink you wanted. Not wanting to put our health into the whimsical hands of this particular pub, we just ended up ordering drinks in person.

Moral of the story: Some things really can't replace in-person interactions. Even if it's something as trivial as ordering drinks.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Offloaded Off-cuts

For all those times I've gotten free food from "loved ones", only to find that it's expired, moldy, discoloured, half-eaten and/or tastes terrible in general. Some people would say it's the thought that counts... Clearly those people have never been handed a 3-year old sack of corn chips that smell like timber.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

First Try

Inspired by true events, namely the disappointment of never being able to cook some things as well as the first time it was done. In my mind, it seems like the less you know what you're doing, the better the cooking outcome, usually. So go ahead: Add that garlic powder, sprinkle in some cayenne pepper and wait for a rolling boil. Not because the recipe said so, but because you read it here.