Saturday, September 25, 2021

Dine and Discover - Part II

The long awaited sequel to last week's comic. Well, one week isn't that long to wait.
And so the government-subsidised food program had failed Dante yet again. Perhaps not a complete failure as with previous encounters with government agencies, as at least this time one does not have to go home hungry.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Dine and Discover - Part I

This one will probably go over the heads of most people, unless you happen to live in Australia as I do. Basically, the government set up this program called "Dine and Discover" to help rejuvenate the economy in these trying times. And as with most government programs like this, it's super janky and poorly thought out, much to my own detriment.

Will Dante find a restaurant that accepts these vouchers in time before they expire? Or will he become another victim of a system that cares little for the working class man? Find out in Part II.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Best Recipe

This one's for all you food bloggers and home cooks on the Internet who claim they've found "the ultimate recipe" or "secret ingredient" for a particular food item, amidst all the other people who also make the exact same claim. Even worse, some of them aren't even that great when actually prepared. So people making these statements are no better than those crummy pop-up ads that show up in your browser when visiting questionable websites.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Sweet Dreams

Not to mention your stomach will feel like garbage the next morning from all that sugary goodness, as well as the fact that you're putting your body on the borderline of developing diabetes and/or a sugar addiction, but at least you got a good night's sleep.