Friday, May 28, 2021


Based on my own deep-seated malaise for making comics, which is now comparable to said malaise for cooking in general. Frankly, this blog has never been less popular than now and I'm sure you can see why. Nevertheless, it's something I continue to do largely because I've got nothing to do... much like my cooking activity.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Fridge Space

Based on actual reactions from my parents whenever one of us predominantly fills up the fridge with anything. On the plus side, at least I don't have to deal with the freezer -- it's so often stuffed with all kinds of frozen goods that I'm sometimes scared that I'm going to get a concussion from a bag of frozen chicken wings that falls out when I open it.

Saturday, May 15, 2021


The next time you invite your friends and relatives over for a delicious dinner party at your home, treat them to a fresh bowl of Cheerios, served with the finest milk money could buy -- and before you ask: No, soy milk and almond milk don't count. I wouldn't even classify them as milk, frankly.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Long-life food

Admittedly, I have a bad tendency to keep packaged food items uneaten for long periods of time. I'd like to think I'm preparing for a time when food isn't so readily available, assuming I'm content with eating stale food with a dulled taste. To be fair, most packaged foods only specify a "Best Before" date, so it's technically edible years after the specified date.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Meal Steal

Inspired by a thought experiment revolving around the idea of loitering around a busy fast food restaurant, coffee shop or related business premises, and going up to the counter to take someone else's food and/or drink after their ticket number has been called. I'm sure someone out there has gone to prison for doing this.