Sunday, December 27, 2020

Final Countdown

As the year comes to a close once again, I'm stuck with boxes of food from various social gatherings as well as a pile of largely expired (but unopened) food items that I should probably get around to eating before it starts posing more of a threat to my health. Because it won't a pandemic that gets me, it'll be that pack of Ghost Pepper Mamee Noodles I've been saving for... something.

Friday, December 18, 2020


Little known fact about life: Whenever people you know eat at a certain place, they often experience the most delicious, life-changing food they've ever eaten. But whenever you go to the same place (and perhaps even eat the same food items), the food is just average. Either your standard for food is really high, your peers are exaggerating middling food or the restaurateur hates you for no reason.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


This is probably the reason why I tend not to do food buying favours for people anymore. Even worse, when you're in a group at a restaurant and have to painstakingly recall what food and item combinations everyone ordered. Look, I go to a restaurant to eat, not play "Dr Kawashima's Brain Training".

Friday, December 4, 2020

Food Alchemy

A reference to that all-time classic anime series revolving around moral ambiguities and The Law of Equivalent Exchange. Also a reference to the massively complicated list of ingredients you normally find on the labels of your favourite canned foods, I suppose. Like, what the heck is "partially defatted peanut flour" anyway?!